Test Code Blocks

Horiz scrollbar

                          Cell     Cell  
State                    Sites    Sites    Percent 
Affected    Counties    Served      Out        Out
AL          BALDWIN        348        0       0.0%
AL          DALE           105        0       0.0%
AL          GENEVA          59        0       0.0%
AL          HENRY           38        0       0.0%
AL          HOUSTON        209        1       0.5%
TOTAL                      759        1       0.1%

Horiz scrollbar again

Value 0th Row 0th Column
1 top | left side  - [phone held in landscape pos with home button at right]  
2 top | right side   
3 bottom | right side - (landscape photo that's upside-down. how taken?)  
4 bottom | left side  
5 left side | top  
6 right side | top - [phone held in portrait pos with home button at bottom]  
7 right side | bottom  
8 left side | bottom  

Vert and horiz scrollbars

package Error;

use strict;

use JSON::PP;
use CGI qw(:standard);

sub report_error {
    my $status         = shift;
    my $user_message   = shift;
    my $system_message = shift;

    my %http_status_codes;
    $http_status_codes{200} = "OK";
    $http_status_codes{201} = "Created";
    $http_status_codes{204} = "No Content";
    $http_status_codes{400} = "Bad Request";
    $http_status_codes{401} = "Not Authorized";
    $http_status_codes{403} = "Forbidden";
    $http_status_codes{404} = "Not Found";
    $http_status_codes{500} = "Internal Server Error";

    my %hash;
    $hash{status}         = $status;
    $hash{description}    = $http_status_codes{$status};
    $hash{user_message}   = $user_message;
    $hash{system_message} = $system_message;

    my $json_str = encode_json \%hash;
    print header('application/json', "$status Accepted");
    print $json_str;


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