Sora API

created Apr 10, 2018 - updated May 21, 2018

In the Sora YAML config file sora.yml, an entry exists that specifies the API location:

api_url : http://website/api/v1

The following actions exist: users, posts, and searches. These actions are appended to the above URL.

At the moment, Sora is a single-user publishing app.


Request Login Session Link

The author's email address is stored in the YAML file. To login, only the email address is provided. The Sora app uses the MailGun service to send the message that contains the login activation link.

This uses a POST request to /users/login that sends the following JSON:

  "email" : "", 
  "url"   : "http://website/nopwdlogin"

The API code uses the value for url in the email message. Here's an example email that contains the login activation link:

Subject: Sora Login Link - Fri, 08 Apr 2016 15:08:26 Z

Clink or copy link to log into the site.


Curl example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "email" : "", "url" : "http://website/nopwdlogin"}' http://website/api/v1/users/login

... returned JSON ...

    "user_message":"Creating New Login Link",
    "system_message":"A new login link has been created and sent."

The session_id_digest value is only included in the returned JSON when debug_mode equals 1 in the YAML config file. The session_id_digest value is included on the login link that is emailed to the author.

If the email address submitted does not match what exists within the YAML config file, then the following JSON is returned:

  "description":"Bad Request",
  "user_message":"Invalid input.",
  "system_message":"Data was not found."

Activate Login Session

This uses a GET request to /users/login/?rev=[session_id_digest].

This activation process can occur only one time. A flag is set in the session ID file that prevents the login link from being used again.

[session_id_digest] is the alpha-numeric string attached to the end of the login link emailed above.

This login activation process can occur only one time. A flag is set in the session file for this digest.

Curl example:

curl http://website/api/v1/users/login/?rev=hHggOD2q

If the request to login is successful, then the API returns the following:


The author_name, rev, and session_id values are stored as cookies in the author's browser. This information is sent to the API for actions that require authentication.

If an attempt was made to activate a login session with the same link, the returned JSON would be:

  "description":"Bad Request",
  "user_message":"Unable to login.",
  "system_message":"Invalid session information submitted."


This uses a GET request:


Curl example:

curl http://website/api/v1/users/logout/?author=NickAdams\&session_id=kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ\&rev=hHggOD2q

Returned JSON if successful:



Create a New Post

Uses a POST request to /posts with the following JSON being submitted as an example:

  "author"      : "NickAdams", 
  "session_id"  : "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", 
  "rev"         : "hHggOD2q",
  "submit_type" : "Create", 
  "markup"      : "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1113\n\nHello World"

submit_type can be either Create or Preview.

Curl example for previewing a post:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "NickAdams", "session_id": "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", "rev":"hHggOD2q", "submit_type": "Preview", "markup": "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1113\n\nHello World"}' http://website/api/v1/posts

... returned JSON ...

  "created_time":"15:13:20 Z",
  "created_date":"Fri, 08 Apr 2016",
  "title":"Test Post 8Apr2016 1113",
  "html":"<p>Hello World</p>\n\n"

If custom CSS was used in the markup, then the name-value custom_css along with the actual CSS is included in the returned JSON.

Create the new post with an incorrect post_type:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "NickAdams", "session_id": "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", "rev":"hHggOD2q", "submit_type": "Post", "markup": "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1113\n\nHello World"}' http://website/api/v1/posts

... returned JSON ...

    "description":"Bad Request",
    "user_message":"Unable to process post.",
    "system_message":"Invalid submit type given."

Create the post:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "NickAdams", "session_id": "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", "rev":"hHggOD2q", "submit_type": "Create", "markup": "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1113\n\nHello World"}' http://website/api/v1/posts

... returned JSON ...

  "title":"Test Post 8Apr2016 1113",
  "created_date":"Fri, 08 Apr 2016",
  "created_time":"15:17:06 Z",
  "html":"<p>Hello World</p>\n\n","toc":0,"slug":"test-post-8apr2016-1113"

/links.json will contain the new post at the top of the file.

The feed files hfeed.html and feed.json get created after each "Create", and the number of entries included in the feed files are determined by a setting in the config file.

At the moment, no files are updated when an existing post is modified.

Create a new post that gets stored in a subdirectory:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "NickAdams", "session_id": "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", "rev":"hHggOD2q", "submit_type": "Create", "markup": "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1130\n\nHello World\n\n<!-- dir : 2016/04/08 -->"}' http://website/api/v1/posts

... returned JSON ...

  "title":"Test Post 8Apr2016 1130",
  "created_date":"Fri, 08 Apr 2016",
  "created_time":"15:30:30 Z",
  "html":"<p>Hello World</p>\n\n<!-- dir : 2016/04/08 -->\n\n"

When a post is to be stored in a sub-directory, then the dir name-value gets returned.

Read the Markup for a Post

This uses a GET request to /posts/[page_id] where page_id equals the slug.

If the HTML page was found at http://website/test-post-8apr2016-1113.html then a Curl example to retrieve this post's markup would be:

curl http://website/api/v1/posts/test-post-8apr2016-1113

... returned JSON ...

  "markup":"# Test Post 8Apr2016 1113\n\nHello World\n"

If the post does not exist, then the returned JSON would be:

  "description":"Bad Request",
  "user_message":"[1] Could not read test-post-whatever.txt.",
  "system_message":"File not found."

If the post was stored in a sub-directory, then the request would be:

curl http://website/api/v1/posts/2016/03/30/cold-temps-expected-during-the-first-week-of-april-2016.html

The extension .html is optional. If it exists, then the API code ignores it.

Within the returned JSON, slug may be a misnomer, since in the above example, slug equals 2016/03/30/cold-temps-expected-during-the-first-week-of-april-2016.

Technically, the slug would be the text that follows the last forward slash. But I permitted this exception to allow storing posts in sub-directories.

It's also possible to ignore the API code and access the .txt version of a post under document root, which contains the markup. Working examples:

A JSON version of a post also exists at

Update a Post

Uses a PUT request to /posts.

  "author"        : "NickAdams", 
  "session_id"    : "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", 
  "rev"           : "hHggOD2q",
  "submit_type"   : "Update",
  "original_slug" : "test-post-8apr2016-1130", 
  "markup"        : "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1130\n\nHello World\n\nline added in update\n\n<!-- dir : 2016/04/08 -->"

submit_type can be either Update or Preview.

Curl example:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "NickAdams", "session_id": "kPavt87rPj49cvGZY8YHnQ", "rev":"hHggOD2q", "submit_type": "Update", "markup": "# Test Post 8Apr2016 1130\n\nHello World\n\nline added in update\n\n<!-- dir : 2016/04/08 -->", "original_slug":"test-post-8apr2016-1130"}' http://website/api/v1/posts

If successful, the returned JSON would be:

  "title":"Test Post 8Apr2016 1130",
  "created_date":"Fri, 08 Apr 2016",
  "created_time":"15:40:40 Z",
  "html":"<p>Hello World</p>\n\n<p>line added in update</p>\n\n<!-- dir : 2016/04/08 -->\n\n",


If custom CSS was used in the markup, then the name-value custom_css along with the actual CSS is included in the returned JSON.

post_type can be either an "article" or a "note". The note-type of posts do not have a title.


This uses a GET request to /searches/[string]

Curl example:

curl http://website/api/v1/searches/user guide

Returned JSON:

  "search_text":"user guide",


The Sora API borrowed the simple approach from the White House Web API Standards.

Use three simple, common response codes indicating (1) success, (2) failure due to client-side problem, (3) failure due to server-side problem:

The above approach goes against the grain of recommended practices. Maybe in the future, I'll expand Sora returned status codes.

Since Sora is a static site generator, then accessing an HTML file that does not exist will cause the web server to throw a 404 error. Sora Nginx config file instructs Nginx to display a custom HTML file that can be created with Sora.


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